"I may think of you softly from time to time, but I'll cut off my hand before I reach for you again." The line is from the 1996 film The Crucible starring Winona Ryder and Daniel Day-Lewis. But it's also how many Americans feel about democratic leaders right now. Based on the Salem Witch Trials of the 17th century, The Crucible portrays the true and insane witch hunts that killed and imprisoned many innocent people. Stories of Salem may seem like distant history, but we're seeing a modern-day witch hunt unfold. Only instead of "Christian" Quakers casting judgment on young women, it's political and Hollywood leaders pushing a new religion on the townsfolk: woke racism.
Woke Racism is a Religion
It makes more sense once we look at woke culture as a new religion. Although I wish I could take credit for the idea, I found the interpretation in the 2020 book Woke Racism by John McWhorter.
McWhorter, a linguistics professor at Columbia University, took to his laptop in the summer of 2020 after witnessing the woke mob infiltrating all aspects of life and society.
While McWhorter typed away on his porch sipping wine, many people froze in their steps. As rioters burned our cities, we locked our knees and held our arms out for balance, like when an elevator violently shakes to a stop.
What's happening? What makes sense? Are we witnessing a significant historical event? I'm not racist. Wait, am I? All these people can't be wrong.
White people, in particular, couldn't speak up because that confirmed them as "racist", and the mob labeled dissenting blacks as race traitors.
That's why John McWhorter's writing of Woke Racism is an excellent service to our country and beyond. Many people, especially whites, needed this message to provide a sanity check. If any white person were to write another version of this, the left would call it "white hate speech."
Still, I'm sure some people call this book "hate speech," even with a black author.
But most Americans want equality, and most Americans aren't racist. The majority of us grew up in diverse communities and supported equal rights throughout our lives.
We know racism is real, but it isn't everything.
McWhorter writes this book to illustrate how to make real progress instead of virtue signaling, as many do.
We don't think of new religions sprouting often, and Woke Racism clarifies that woke culture isn't like a religion.
It is a religion.

How is it a Religion?
So why did a black (in this case, I think it's relevant to mention) Ivey League linguistics professor write the book on woke racism? Because much like in medieval times, suppression of language is how the elites maintain control.
When Galileo found the Earth revolved around the Sun, he had to keep it to himself, or he'd be the town heretic. Because it didn't matter what you could prove, it was whether you fell in line.
Just like today.
The woke mob controls what we say on social media, the news, and entertainment.
But McWhorter's Woke Racism doesn't call these hyper-woke people the "mob" but rather, "The Elect."
The Elect, a term from the Bible to mean "chosen," fits the hyper-woke mindset that they're doing God's work.
In their mind, they are.
Just like the men that sentenced Sarah Goode and other accused witches to the gallows, the modern Elect has a "divine" ability to say what's right and wrong, and there's no arguing with them.
Proof of a heliocentric solar system couldn't sway people in power during Galileo's time, not at first, and no logic that contradicts hyper-woke beliefs will do today.
But the modern Elect wouldn't call themselves a religious group, just as "Christians" in power during medieval times wouldn't call themselves "religious."
People in cults don't see themselves as such, nor does ISIS. They genuinely believe what they believe, and there's no changing their mind.
Non-racists don't want to be called racist, so many of us do or say anything to avoid that. Even when we know, it's not true.
This is how they kept Galileo silent at first, and this is how they control us today.
They say you don't need a God to make a religion, but you need a devil, and the Elect made white American men their devil.

Who Makes Up The Elect?
There's nothing wrong with having religious beliefs, and in fact, they're good for people when appropriately practiced: care for one another, provide service to the needy, find positive meaning, etc. When people use that religion to excuse power and violence, we see a problem.
It's just a matter of what path people choose. Some people prefer a particular religion to practice good, and some do evil but justify it as good-take ISIS, for example.
We see this with street gangs. These people likely had a rough childhood and didn't have the tools to make it in society, so they look to extremism or hyper-woke beliefs depending on their identity.
These people need an identity and a cause, as we all do. The problem is, they're taking the low road.
And it's also the easy road. If you have nothing and someone tells you, "Hey, you're a victim of this country, you should stand up with us against the whites in control."
Well, hey, there's a cause and an identity. All wrapped up with a bow on it. And when late-night influencers and celebrities echo these sentiments to millions of people, it's no wonder people went mad. The mass hysteria gave way to a racial "enlightenment" perpetuated by race hustlers like Colin Kaepernick.
The Elect also makes up academia, sits in powerful positions in Washington, and makes up much of the corporate world. But they're also everyday people who go along with the crowd, making it harder to stand up for what's right.
Consider the excuses from the guards at Nazi concentration camps. "Well, it was either man the tower or be down there with the rest of them. I just did what I had to do for my family."
My guess is many people that work for hyper-woke companies like Google or Coca-Cola aren't crazy about these extreme beliefs either, but they fall in line to keep the paycheck coming.
How to Fight Woke Racism
We can stand up to The Elect by outlining their contradictions and not letting people trick or bully us into thinking they know more about us or race relations than they do, regardless of their skin color.
In Woke Racism, McWhorter mentions several hyper-woke beliefs that directly contradict themselves.
There are more in the book, but here are a few:
If you're white and only date white people, you're a racist
But also, if you're white and you date a black person you're exotifying black people
Silence about racism is violence
Yet you must elevate the voices of the oppressed over your own
When black people say you have insulted them, apologize with profound sincerity and guilt
But we also hear: don't put black people in a position where you expect them to forgive you. They have dealt with too much to be expected to
See? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Just how the Quakers of Salem treated young women and the same way Germans treated Jewish people.
You'll never be good enough, and resistance is futile.
So what can you do?
As McWhorter closes Woke Racism, he tells us to stand up. Stop letting the label of being called racist on Twitter be your motivation to agree with this nonsense.
Would you care if an ISIS leader called you an 'infidel' on social media?
No, of course not. And this is no different.
But I've only touched on Woke Racism at a very high level. If you want the full scoop, I highly suggest you check out the book for more insights on how these insane people are a detriment to the black community and the country as a whole. Or check out his Substack here.
Keep calling it out! The class of people who enslaved and went along with treating blacks like they were 60 percent human are the same class of people responsible for the genocide of North American Indigenous peoples, are the same class of people behind the witch hunts (Galileo, by the way, was sentenced to house arrest until his death in 1642 after being found guilty of suspected heresy), are the same class of people promoting medical segregation and second-class citizenship today among the medically disabled and those not wanting to be medically disabled. The same class of people are shutting non-whites up for standing up with whites. On the right side of history, we're all just people. Thanks for standing up to their gaslighting!