Everyday people from around the world are sick and tired.
And we don't need a talking head, celebrity, or Gallup poll to prove it.
We see it daily in plain sight.
We're done with the lies from the media, Hollywood, and an over-reaching government.
Take your pick on what issue. That's not my point.
It's about how ordinary people just want to live their lives and earn a living.
We hate walking on eggshells around each other between going to the dentist and picking up groceries.
What will they ask me? What should I say? Will I have to argue? Will I be asked to leave?
It's rare when the government does anything efficiently, but they did a great job dividing everyday people.
And I hate that I have to say things like this.
I know it's super controversial, and I probably sound like I'm writing this from a wooden shack in the woods.
I'd much rather be writing my romance novels to sell in grocery stores.
But it's not the ramblings of a madman.
In fact, you’d have to be crazy to deny that the mainstream media, corporations, and government officials lie to us regularly.
Normal People in the Comments
What are ordinary people? Well, in the past, 'normal' was tough to define.
But today, it seems the 'normal' people simply want to live in a stable economy and enjoy basic freedoms.
Some people might watch a viral video on TikTok and assume the world has lost its mind.
In a way, it did, but these social media stars don't speak for everyday people.
For that, you have to look in the comments.
In December 2021, for example, Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman put out their terrible Christmas special Santa Inc on HBO.
And the animated comedy completely bombed.
Not only were the reviews poor, but the holiday special set a new record for the words production on IMDB.
Why? Because it's racist for one, but it's also poorly written and unfunny.
And in February 2022, Showtime has a new piece of racist propaganda to push on everyday people.
Everything’s Gonna Be All White premiered on February 11th, which offers interviews and discussions about racism in America from a "POC POV."
Because according to the creators of this absolute turd of a mini-series, all people of color must have the same outlook on social issues.
"If you have a problem figuring out if you’re for me or Trump, you ain’t black."-President Joe Biden
Yet, anyone that saw the trailer for Everything’s Gonna Be All White knows it's just another expensive virtue signal.
The mini-series trailer has about 2.5 million views and 2.7k likes as I write this, and of course, we can't see the dislikes because they don't want us to see how we really feel.
As terrible as the message is, I was happy to see what everyday people had to say in the comments section.
I knew Showtime would eventually disable comments once they realized that people don't want to see this garbage.
So in anticipation of that move, I took a few screenshots for our viewing pleasure.

And wouldn't you know it? I was right.
I went back to grab a couple more, and sure enough:

James Miller helped me quantify regular people's opinions with his point: Most of these comments have more likes than the video itself.
That says something.
Regular People in School Council Meetings

I remember when parent-teacher meetings came around when I was in school.
Most parents cut the 30 minutes out of their evening schedules once or twice a semester to talk about their kids' progress and behavior.
But outside of that, I don't think anyone's parents went to school council meetings, not unless they were on the school board or PTA.
Not that they didn't care, but it's a matter of time management and necessity. Most kids' parents worked full-time.
And with nothing overly controversial going on to draw parents' attention, there was no point in missing dinnertime and Home Improvement.
But in the past two years, you're lucky if you find a seat at a school council meeting.
We could do a whole article on the topics discussed during such gatherings, but again, that isn't the point.
The point is, it's clear everyday people are sick and tired of the over-reaching politics that are pulling them away from their jobs and other responsibilities.
Working parents don't want to take time out of their evenings to jam into a room with 100 people because they feel the schools don't have their kids' best interests in mind.
Of the many council meeting videos out there, my favorite might be the one with a Bosnian parent in Collinsville, Ill.
Last week at district CUSD 10 in southwest Illinois, concerned citizens packed the small room to voice concerns about mandates and policies.
During the meeting, a Bosnian immigrant tried to tell the administrators that these far-left policies lead to dark times, and he lived it.
"I'm telling you, if you do not stop complying, you will lose everything that you have. Stop complying."-Concerned American.
But the admins wouldn't hear it, and they continued to talk over him. Two even stood up to leave but were instantly berated by onlookers.
Part 1:

Part 2:
I point this out because it proves where this leads, regardless of the topic at hand. Also, this is what everyday Americans look like.
Politicians and celebrities don't reflect the common citizen.
Many Americans don't understand they live in a safety bubble that is not guaranteed.
They don't know what happens when governments become drunk on power and control.
According to the Bosnian-American, he lived under an iron fist and witnessed violence against his family.
He may have survived only because he made it to America.
How can we ignore that?
Everyday People on the Streets

And how can we not address the Freedom Convoy?
For me, I can't get enough of watching live streams on YouTube.
There's almost always at least one YouTuber traipsing the streets of Ottawa, freezing and documenting the event for us.
If you're interested, here are a few suggestions: Machines Everywhere, Ottawalks, and UOttowaScotty.
This protest is a significant historical event unfolding before our eyes. But as each camera pans down the street, we see proof that everyday people had enough.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would have us think that these protesters are a fringe minority and are often racist and misogynistic.
No, really, that's what Justin Trudeau said.
"They don't believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist. It's a very small group of people, but that doesn't shy away from the fact that they take up some space,"-Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Anyone that watches two minutes of footage of downtown Ottawa will see that is a complete lie.
In fact, at times, it looks more like a state fair than a historical protest. Let alone a racist rally.
Not only that, but people take care of each other.
They pick up trash and make sure everyone has enough food and shelter.
And every interview is the same: everyday Canadiens want their basic freedoms restored and want to get on with their lives.
Do they enjoy freezing in the street and being away from loved ones?
Are they getting rich and famous? No. But this is what happens when the government pushes people.
You get massive civil disobedience.
Not violence, but peaceful protest that forces the government to pay attention.
And it's not just the truckers.
While many police officers are willing to stomp on everyday citizens' rights, some speak out.

Power to Everyday People

History is unfolding. And the power lies with a free people.
We've known for a long time that politicians are crooks and corporations are greedy.
But they pushed it too far and their greed is pulling the curtain back.
It's not just a select few radio personalities calling out far-left practices for what they are.
It's everyday people.
The same thing happens with drug lords.
They have millions of dollars and everything they'd ever want. But they can't help pushing for more.
And eventually, they land in prison or dead.
The government and major corporate players could have kept making boatloads of money, but they bit off more than they could chew.
But major corporations and government officials won't learn a lesson until it hits them in the purse.
Companies like Coke and the Salvation Army learned the hard way that if you go woke, you go broke.
And now, leaders in western countries might find themselves out of office with dismal ratings.
But as loud as some voices may be online and in the movies, the voices of regular everyday people will eventually drown them out.